Friday 7 May 2010

Photos Of Clair, Bailey And Nacho

Things have been really busy in my little piece of the world and I�m struggling to keep up with everything. The reason I�m telling you all this is because I haven�t had time to finish my ferrety Friday post, which makes me a little sad since those posts are meant to help people make informed decisions about these wonderful little critters.


I apologize to all the baby ferrets waiting to be adopted, to my regular readers that eagerly await these posts and to my own four-legged furry tribe.

Sorry Clair!

You�re right, Clair, it is shameful.

Sorry Bailey!

Okay, okay; just don�t overturn the litter box!

I�m not going to say sorry to you, Nacho; after all, you�re not a ferret.

Perhaps you�ve been spending too much time with Bailey and Clair, Nacho!


I�ll be back next week with a full length ferrety Friday post. Promise!


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