Tuesday 26 July 2016

Windy Ridge

I've known Jerry Morris for many decades, and I've been BY Windy Ridge a half dozen times when I've gone up Mt. Bross (stopping occasionally to admire the bristlecones along the road). It is almost distressing to me that I've not been up to Windy Ridge until just yesterday with Jerry--being with him amplified and deeped the appreciation of this truly majestic spot. To add wonder to marvel, it was a warm and windless morning...
Now you can see why it's called "bristlecone" pine
 Pinus aristata is one of the wonders of the West--with the greatest number and concentration in Colorado. Denver Botanic Gardens' Mt. Goliath site is a superb place to see fine specimens, but Windy Ridge has the most massive and rugged individuals I've seen thus far.
Jerry along with one of his faves.

I think this one speaks for itself!

A whole phalanx of nearly prostrate ones praying to the East!

Wildflowers too: probably Castilleja miniata here

Some idiot tried to cut one down. Hope they were hit by lightning!

Spruce grouse (chicks in hiding)

Colorado's endemic Castilleja puberula

Zigadenus elegans
And this was just the morning. Wait till you see where we went in the afternoon yesterday! one last Bristlecone to bid us adieu.


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