Friday 7 October 2016

So Much To Be Thankful For

It is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada. I have so much to be thankful for that I don't know where to begin. At the top of the list are the people I love most in this world: my daughters, my husband, my mom and brother. I couldn't ask for a more amazing bunch.

Then there are the usual suspects like living in one of the most beautiful place in the world, not to mention one of the safest, and having a roof over my head, clean water to drink and plenty to eat.

And in addition to all these blessings, I end up coming home with a gift basket like this earlier this week that made my day:

It was given to me by the wife of my hospice client. He is an elderly man that I look after each Wednesday while his family is away. I've been volunteering with the local hospice organization for the past 18 months or so, and for over a year I've been assigned to this wonderful family. The wife is the sweetest, kindest lady on the planet and she is always trying to give me something as a gesture of gratitude. In the beginning, she tried giving me things like gas cards and money, which I promptly refused. I explained to her that we are not permitted to accept anything that didn't fall into the organization's motto, which goes something like this: "If you can't drink it, eat it or grow it, you can't accept it". I explained to her that if I broke this rule, I would be dismissed and couldn't help her family anymore. She understood but because she's the type of person that needs to show appreciation, she decided to work with that motto. Since then, I've been sent home, now and again, with things like jugs of milk, butter, cookies, bottles of Bailey's Irish Cream, fruit juices, fruits, chocolates, candy and so on. When her son takes her shopping, she sometimes picks up something for me. One week, papayas were on sale and she got one for me. I swear. I've told her many times that all this is not necessary and to please stop because I don't want her spending money. She waves this away, bags whatever she has for me and sends me on my way. She is adorable.

This week she stunned me with the fruit basket that is filled with all these edible and drinkable goodies. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. It felt like my heart was being hugged when she handed it to me and said "just a little something to show you how much we appreciate all you do for us." I'm tearing up just writing about this.

Yes, I have so much to be thankful for. I am truly blessed. Especially because of the incredible people that I cross paths with in life. Including all of you!

Have a lovely weekend, everyone. And Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canucks!


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