Thursday 6 October 2016

Words Of Wisdom

Like we needed any more reasons to love Adele.

I grew up in a community where men were considered superior and women were expected to serve them. This was enforced in the households and in the churches we attended. For those of you who have followed my blog long enough, you just know that this nonsense didn't go over well with me and that I rebelled against it with every ounce of my being. It wasn't easy to stand against the status quo but it was necessary. I have no regrets and I would do it all over again if I had to.

Years later I was blessed with two daughters that I encouraged to expect nothing less than respect from the world around them, particularly from their partners. Equality was a common word in our household and sexism was a regular topic of discussion.

Both girls have grown up with a strong voice against a patriarchal society that, unfortunately, still exists today. But even though the fight for equality is not over yet, there are two young women that I've proudly brought into this world that are continuing to pave the road. And who do not respond to sexist, derogatory whistling; an objectification of women.

A terrific day to all!


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